The final part of the fifth week of my drawing course with is now complete. When reading the details about my progress below please don’t forget to click on the thumbnails by each section to see the cool drawing I created in more detail. My drawings were submitted to Cindy, my course instructor at, and her feedback (in italics) is also included below.

Unit One: Outline Drawing: Week Five (part II)

If you missed Part one of week 5’s assignments, click here to see how I learned about Cross Hatching, Making Marks, Shading and Blending>

Exercise 2 Transferring the image of “The Old Hay Shed”

Outline drawing of The Old Hay Shed

Click to enlarge

The purpose of this exercise was to learn how to transfer the image provided in the training notes onto quality drawing paper. The process was clearly explained as a series of step-by-step instructions in the course notes, which were complete with photographs. In summary, this was achieved by placing the original printout against a window, and tracing the outline of the image on the reverse of the sheet with a 2B pencil, then taping the sheet onto my paper, then finally going over the lines in pencil, which then left an outline of graphite on my paper. As you can see here, this outline which was left on my good quality drawing paper I could then use as a guide for my finished artwork.

Exercise 3: Completing the drawing of “The Old Hay Shed”

Completed drawing - The Old Hay Shed

Click to enlarge

A full sized finished version of the drawing was also included in the course notes, which also explained in great detail how it was drawn. A key detailed all of the different types of marks used, the types of pencil or technique used to make the different marks, and darkness of tones. I used a separate piece of paper to try out all of the marks and techniques before I committed them to my actual drawing. It involved cross hatching, fine lines, use of cotton buds and the chisel point techniques learned in the preceding stages of this week course. It took me several hours to complete, and I’m rather proud of the result. What do you think? Please leave your feedback in the Reply section below 🙂

Feedback from Cindy

Wow Ian, this is absolutely fantastic! All of your pencil strokes are correct and the wonderful fine details and finishing touches here make it a standout piece! You can proudly frame this artwork as your first completed drawing. Well done! Cheers Cindy


I love the way this course is leading me step by step through all the things I need to know to become proficient at drawing. It’s not just the theory, but it includes all of the simple things like how to prepare your pencils, and how to make particular marks that can be used to achieve specific results.

Coming up

I’m really looking forwards to the final part of this course where over two weeks I will be working my way through; using the grid method to transfer and image; creating a full sized finished drawing called “Frangipani Dreams” for which I will be graded. Please follow my Drawing Journey to see how I get on 🙂

Next Steps

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You too can learn the fundamental drawing techniques that Professional Artists use. Download the course notes here> The Complete Drawing Certificate Course

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