Favorite Watercolour Artists

Here is my list of watercolour artists who continue to inspire me on my watercolour journey

Here is my list of contemporary watercolour artists who have inspired me on my  journey with their amazing  paintings and watercolour techniques.

Most of these artists have  published watercolour books and DVD’s which I have bought, and I have even attended some of their watercolour workshops and painting classes at various art shows and events up and down the UK.

All of them, without exception, have been entirely free with their knowledge and know-how, and unselfishly shared their experience. In return I’ve set up individual pages where I’ve outlined their profiles, with links to their websites, books, DVD’s, artwork, and where available, their social media accounts so you can connect with them yourself.

Every day I’m discovering more watercolour artists and when I get the opportunity I will add the artist names to my list below and help you to connect with them, their watercolor paint  so you too can draw on their experience.

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Next Steps:

Is there another watercolour artist you would like me to add to this list?

Who’s missing, and who do you think would inspire my watercolour journey?

Please let me know using the form below – Thank you! 🙂

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About Ian

Watercolour and pencil artist, passionate about drawing and painting the world around me in watercolour, and using social media to share my story. Join in and take part in my journey by using the links below.